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- Repozitorijum Hemijskog fakulteta - Cherry
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![[dr Aleksandar R. Popovic]](/osoblje/47.jpg)
Hemijski fakultet, Studentski trg 12-16, Beograd
Katedra za primenjenu hemiju
Telefon: 011-3336727
Telefon (lokalni): 727
Kabinet: 643
Laboratorija: 642
E-mail: apopovic@chem.bg.ac.rs
Lični podaci
Aleksandar Popović je rođen 18. 10. 1971. godine u Beogradu.
Obrazovanje i usavršavanja
1988-1993: Osnovne studije - Hemijske nauke / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
1994-1996: Magistratura - Hemijske nauke / Florida State University - Department of Chemistry (Tallahassee, Florida, Sjedinjene Američke Države)
1996-2002: Doktorat - Hemijske nauke / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
Kretanje u službi
1997-2005: Asistent / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
2003-2008: Docent / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
2008-2013: Vanredni profesor / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
2013: Redovni profesor / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
Oblasti naučnog interesovanja
Hemijski procesi i transformacije zagađivača u životnoj sredini. Korišćenje otpadnih materijala.
Ostale aktivnosti
Član Komisije za praćenje i unapređenje kvaliteta nastave od 8. 10. 2020.
Predsednik Komisije za priznavanje stranih visokoškolskih isprava od 10. 11. 2021. do 9. 10. 2024.
Član Komisije za strategiju nastave od 10. 10. 2024.
Predsednik Komisije za priznavanje stranih visokoškolskih isprava od 10. 10. 2024.
Ministar nauke i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije od 2004. do 2007. Ministar rudarstva i energetike Republike Srbije od 2007. do 2008.
Angažman u nastavi
- Upravljanje kvalitetom i zakonska regulativa (054S2)
- Hemodinamika zagađujućih supstanci (515S2)
- Hemija životne sredine (519H2)
- Hemija životne sredine (519P2)
- Bioindikatori (523S2)
- Hemodinamika odabranih zagađivača (573H2)
Učešće u naučnoistraživačkim projektima
Aktivni projekti:
- 2022-2026: Towards zer0 Pesticide AGRIculture : European Network for sustainability (T0P-AGRI-Network) – SA21134
vrsta projekta: Međunarodna saradnja COST
projekat finansira: Evropska komisija (Brisel, Belgija)
Završeni projekti:
- 2011: Proučavanje fizičkohemijskih i biohemijskih procesa u životnoj sredini koji utiču na zagađenje i istraživanje mogućnosti za minimiziranje posledica – 172001
vrsta projekta: domaći fundamentalni
projekat finansira: Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije (Beograd) - 2011: Nove tehnologije za monitoring i zaštitu životnog okruženja od štetnih hemijskih suspstanci i radijacionog opterećenja – 43009
vrsta projekta: domaći fundamentalni
projekat finansira: Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije (Beograd) - 2019: Stanje zagađenosti zemljišta i uzoraka hrane u Srbiji i Slovačkoj - bioraspoloživa frakcija elemenata i procena rizika po zdravlje – 337-00-107/2019-09/17
vrsta projekta: međunarodni
projekat finansiraju: Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja (Beograd), Government of the Slovak Republic (Bratislava, Slovačka)
Brojevi za identifikaciju autora
- ORCID: 0000-0003-0162-9612 - neispravan broj
- ResearcherID: P-2390-2016
- Scopus: 7005726360
- Repozitorijum Hemijskog fakulteta Cherry
Izabrane reference
Najcitiraniji radovi (na dan 31.12.2024) / Papers with the highest number of heterocitations (as of December 31st, 2024):
1. Djinovic, Jasna; Popovic, Aleksandar; Jira, Wolfgang. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Different Types of Smoked Meat Products from Serbia. Meat Science (2008), 80, 449-456. (176)
2. Razic, Slavica; Onjia, Antonije; Djogo, Svetlana; Slavkovic, Latinka; Popovic, Aleksandar. Determination of metal content in some herbal drugs- Empirical and chemometric approach. Talanta (2005), 67, 233-239. (134)
3. Anicic, Mira; Tasic, Mirjana; Frontasyeva, Marina Vladimirovna; Tomasevic, Milica; Rajsic, Slavica; Mijic, Zoran; Popovic, Aleksandar. Active Moss Biomonitoring of Trace Elements with Sphagnum Girgensohnii Moss Bags in Relation to Atmospheric Bulk Deposition in Belgrade, Serbia. Environmental Pollution (2009), 157, 673-679. (113)
4. Popovic, Aleksandar; Djordjevic, Dragana; Polic, Predrag. Trace and Major Element Pollution Originating from Coal Ash Suspension and Transport Processes. Environment International (2001), 26, 251-255. (112)
5. Vukovic, Gordana; Anicic Urosevic, Mira; Razumenic, Ivana; Kuzmanovski, Mirjana; Pergal, Miodrag; Skrivanj, Sandra. Air Quality in Urban Parking Garages (PM 10, Major and Trace Elements, PAHs): Instrumental Measurements vs. Active Boss Biomonitoring. Atmospheric Environment (2014), 31-40, 2014. (84)
6. Relic, Dubravka; Djordjevic, Dragana; Popovic, Aleksandar; Blagojevic, Tamara. Speciation of Trace Metals in Danube Alluvial Sediments Within an Oil Reffinery. Environment International (2005), 31, 661-669. (76)
7. Panic, Vesna; Seslija, Sanja; Popovic, Ivanka; Spasojevic, Vuk; Popovic, Aleksandar; Nikolic, Vladimir; Spasojevic, Pavle. Simple One-Pot Synthesis of Fully Bio-Based Unsaturated Polyester Resins Based on Itaconic Acid. Biomacromolecules (2017) 18, 3881−3891. (75)
8. Anicic, Mira; Tasic, Mirjana; Frontasyeva, Marina Vladimirovna; Tomasevic, Milica; Rajsic, Slavica; Strelkova, Lyudmila Pavlovna; Popovic, Aleksandar. Steinnes, Eiliv. Active Biomonitoring with Wet and Dry Moss: A Case Study in an Urban Area. Environmental Chemistry Letters (2009), 7, 55-60. (66)
9. Anicic, Mira; Tasic, Mirjana; Frontasyeva, Marina Vladimirovna; Tomasevic, Milica; Rajsic, Slavica; Strelkova, Lyudmila Pavlovna; Popovic, Aleksandar. Steinnes, Eiliv. Monitoring of Trace Element Atmospheric Deposition Using Dry and Wet Moss Bags: Accumulation Capacity Versus Exposure Time. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2009), 171, 182-188. (63)
10. Terzic, Oliver; Krstic, Jugoslav; Popovic, Aleksandar; Dogovic, Nikola. Synthetic Activated Carbons for the Removal of Hydrogen Cyanide from Air. Chemical Engineering and Processing (2005), 44, 1181-1187. (60)
11. Markovic, Jelena; Jovic, Mihajlo; Smiciklas, Ivana; Sljivic-Ivanovic, Marija; Onjia, Antonije; Trivunac, Katarina; Popovic, Aleksandar. Cadmium Retention and Distribution in Contaminated Soil: Effects and Interactions of Soil Properties, Contamination Level, Aging Time, and In Situ Immoblization Agents. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (2019) 174, 305-314. (57)
12. Vukovic, Gordana; Anicic-Urosevic, Mira; Goryainova, Zoja; Pergal, Miodrag; Skrivanj, Sandra; Samson, Roeland; Popovic, Aleksandar. Active Moss Biomonitoging for Extensive Screening of Urban Air Pollution: Magnetic and Chemical Analysis. Science of the Total Environment (2015), 522, 200-210. (50)
13. Nikolic, Vladimir; Velickovic, Sava; Popovic, Aleksandar. Biodegradation of Polystyrene-graft-Starch Copolymers in Three Different Types of Soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2014), 21, 9877-9886. (49)
14. Anicic, Mira; Frontasyeva, Marina; Tomasevic, Milica; Popovic, Aleksandar. Assessment of Atmospheric Deposition of Heavy Metals and Other Elements in Belgrade Using the Moss Biomonitoring Technique and Neutron Activation Analysis. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2007), 129, 207-219. (48)
15. Djinovic, Jasna; Popovic, Aleksandar; Jira, Wolfgang. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Traditional and Industrial Smoked Beef and Pork Ham from Serbia. European Food Research and Technology (2008), 227, 1191-1198. (46)
16. Vukovic, Gordana; Anicic-Urosevic, Mira; Tomasevic, Milica; Samson, Roeland; Popovic, Aleksandar. Biomagnetic Monitoring of Urban Air Pollution Using Moss Bags (Sphagnum Girgensohnii). Ecological Indicators (2015), 52, 42-47. (44)
17-18. Razic, Slavica; Djogo, Svetlana; Slavkovic, Latinka; Popovic, Aleksandar. Inorganic Analysis of Herbal Drugs. Part I: Metal Determination in Herbal Drugs Originating From Medicinal Plants of the Family Lamiacae. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society (2005), 70, 1347-1355. (43)
17-18. Kostic, Aleksandar; Adnadjevic, Borivoj; Popovic, Aleksandar; Jovanovic, Jelena. Comparison of the Swelling Kinetics of Partially Neutralized Poly(acrylic acid) Hydrogel in Distilled Water and Physiological Solution. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society (2007), 72, 1139-1153. (43)
19-20. Milicevic, Tijana; Relic, Dubravka; Skrivanj, Sandra; Tesic, Zivoslav; Popovic, Aleksandar. Assessment of Major and Trace Element Bioavailability in Vineyard Soil Applying Different Single Extraction Procedures ad Pseudo-Total Digestion. Chemosphere (2017), 171, 284-293. (42)
19-20. Mihajlidi-Zelic, Aleksandra; Dersek-Timotic, Ivana; Relic, Dubravka; Popovic, Aleksandar, Djordjevic, Dragana. Contribution of Marine and Continental Aerosols to the Content of Major Ions in the Precipitation of the Central Mediterranean. The Science of Total Environment (2006), 370, 441-451. (42)
21. Milicevic, Tijana; Relic, Dubravka; Anicic Urosevic, Mira; Vukovic, Gordana; Skrivanj, Sandra; Popovic, Aleksandar. Bioavailability of Potentially Toxic Elements in Soil-Grapevine (Leaf, Skin, Pulp, and Seed) System and Environmental and Health Risk Assessment. Science of the Total Environment (2018), 626, 528-545. (41)
Noviji radovi (2021-2025) / Recent papers (2021-2025):
1. Milicevic, Tijana; Anicic Urosevic, Mira; Relic, Dubravka; Jovanovic, Gordana; Nikolic, Dragica; Vergel, Konstantin; Popovic, Aleksandar. Environmental Pollution Influence to Soil-Plant-Air System in Organic Vineyard: Bioavailability, Environmental and Health Risk Assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2021) 28, 3361-3374.
2. Mendas, Gordana; Herceg Romanic, Snjezana; Jovanovic, Gordana; Anicic Urosevic, Mira; Ilic, Milos; Milicevic, Tijana; Popovic, Aleksandar. Organochlorines Burden in Moss H. cupressiforme and Topsoil Across Serbia. Environmental Geochemistry and Health (2021) 43, 273-283.
3. Sakan, Sanja; Franciskovic-Bilinski, Stanislav; Djordjevic, Dragana; Popovic, Aleksandar; Sakan, Nenad; Skrivanj, Sanja; Bilinski, Halka. Evaluation of Element Mobility in River Sediment Using Different Single Extraction Procedures and Assessment of Probabilistic Ecological Risk. Water (2021) 13, paper # 1411, 18 pp.
4. Herceg Romanic, Snjezana; Jovanovic, Gordana; Mustac, Bosiljka; Stojanovic Djinovic, Jasna; Stojic, Andreja; Cadez, Tena; Popovic, Aleksandar. Fatty acids, persistent organic pollutants, and trace elements in small pelagic fish from the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin (2021) 170, paper # 112654, 8 pp.
5. Jovanovic, Gordana; Matek Saric, Marijana; Herceg Romanic, Snjezana; Stanisic, Svetlana, Mitrovic Dankulov, Marija; Popovic, Aleksandar; Perisic, Mirjana. Patterns of PCB-138 Occurence in the Breast Milk of Primiparae and Multiparae Using SHapley Additive exPlantations Analysis. In: "Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Applications". Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, Cham (2021) 973, 191-206.
6. Milicevic, Tijana; Anicic-Urosevic, Mira; Vukovic, Gordana; Vasic, Predrag; Jaksic, Tatjana; Nikolic, Dragica; Popovic, Aleksandar. Environmental Risk Assessment Based on Elemental Concentrations (with Specific Refference to the Concentration of Uranium) in Moss and Soil Samples from the Territory of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija. In: "The Truth about the Consequences of the NATO Bombing of Serbia in 1999". Serbian Society for the Fight Against Cancer, Belgrade (2021), 253-276.
7. Milicevic, Tijana; Herceg Romanic, Snjezana; Popovic, Aleksandar; Mustac, Bosiljka; Djinovic-Stojanovic, Jasna; Jovanovic, Gordana; Relic, Dubravka. Human Health Risks and Benefits Assessment Based on OCPs, PCBs, Toxic Elements and Fatty Acids in the Pelagic Fish Species from the Adriatic Sea. Chemosphere (2022) 287, paper # 132068, 10 pp.
8. Popovic, Aleksandar; Andjelkovic, Boban; Djordjevic, Dragana; Sakan, Sanja; Vujisic, Ljubomir; Velickovic, Sava; Relic, Dubravka. To Professor Petar Pfendt, In calidum, et plurium retributivus memoriae: FT IR ATR Analysis of Post Stamps of Principality of Serbia Issued in 1866 and 1868 and Their Forgeries. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society (2022) 87, 27-40.
9. Anicic Urosevic, Mira; Kuzmanoski, Maja; Milicevic, Tijana; Kodranov, Igor; Vergel, Konstantin; Popovic, Aleksandar. Moss Bag Sensitivity for the Assessment of Airborne Elements at Suburban Background Site During Spring/Summer Season Characterised by Saharan Dust Intrusions. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health (2022) 15, 1357-1377.
10. Jovanovic, Gordana; Herceg Romanic, Snjezana; Mendas, Gordana; Jankovic, Milan; Popovic, Aleksandar. Moss Biomonitoring of Organic Pollutants: Up-to-date Achievements, Needs and Potentials. In: "Advances in Environmental Research", Nova Science Publishers, New York (2022), Volume 90, Chapter 2, 40 pp.
11. Stevanovic, Gordana; Jovic-Jovicic, Natasa; Krstic, Jugoslav; Milutinovic-Nikolic, Aleksandra; Bankovic, Predrag; Popovic, Aleksandar; Ajdukovic, Marija. Nanocomposite Co-catalysts, Based on Smectite and Biowaste-Derived Carbon, as Peroxymonosulfate Activators in Degradation of Tartrazine. Applied Clay Science (2022) 230, paper # 106718, 8 pp.
12. Radenkovic, Marina; Momcilovic, Milos; Petrovic, Jelena; Mrakovic, Ana; Relic, Dubravka; Popovic, Aleksandar; Zivkovic, Sanja. Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Media by Sunflower Husk: A Comparative Study of Biosorption Efficiency by Using ICP-OES and LIBS. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society (2022) 78, 939-952.
13. Milicevic, Tijana; Relic, Dubravka; Anicic Urosevic, Mira; Castanheiro, Ana; Roganovic, Jovana; Samson, Roeland; Popovic, Aleksandar. Non-Destructive Techniques for the Determination of Magnetic Particle and Element Content as an Eco-Sustainable Tool for Environmental Pollution Assessment in the Agricultural Areas. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2023) 195, paper # 858, 17 pp.
14. Herceg Romanic, Snjezana; Milicevic, Tijana; Jovanovic, Gordana; Matek Saric, Marijana; Mendas, Gordana; Fingler, Sanja; Jaksic, Goran; Popovic, Aleksandar; Relic, Dubravka. Persistent Organic Pollutants in Croatian Breast Milk: An Overview of Pollutant Levels and Infant Health Risk Assessment from 1976 to the Present. Food and Chemical Toxicology (2023) 179, paper # 113990, 12 pp.
15. Mendas, Gordana; Milicevic, Tijana; Fingler, Sanja; Drevenikar, Vlasta; Herceg Romanic, Snjezana; Popovic, Aleksandar; Relic, Dubravka. Human Health Risk Assessment Based on Direct and Indirect Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Herbicides in Drinking, Ground and Surface Water in Croatia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30, 106330-106341.
16. Herceg Romanic, Snjezana; Jacimovic, Nenad; Mendas, Gordana; Fingler, Sanja; Stipicevic, Sanja; Jaksic, Goran; Popovic, Aleksandar; Jovanovic, Gordana. Bedload Sediment Transport Model for Revealing Multi-Year Trend of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Contamination in the River Sediment (Kupa, Croatia). Environmental Geochemistry and Health (2023) 45, 8473-8478.
17. Milicevic, Tijana; Relic, Dubravka; Tomkovic, Jelena; Malicanin, Marko; Skrivanj, Sandra; Anicic-Urosevic, Mira; Popovic, Aleksandar. Potentially Toxic Elements in Grapevine Varieties and Soil in Serbia. Matica Srpska Journal of Natural Sciences (2023) 145, 71-84
18. Stevanovic, Gordana; Jovic-Jovicic, Natasa; Popovic, Aleksandar; Dojcinovic, Biljana; Milutinovic-Nikolic, Aleksandra; Bankovic, Predrag; Ajdukovic, Marija. Cobalt Supported Chitosan-Derived Carbon-Smectite Catalyst in Oxone® Induced Dye Degradation. Science of Sintering (2024) 56, 105-114.
19. Mendas, Gordana; Jakovljevic, Ivana; Herceg Romanic, Snjezana; Sanja Fingler, Sanja; Jovanovic, Gordana; Matek Saric, Marijana; Pehnec, Gordana; Popovic, Aleksandar; Stankovic; Dalibor. Presence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Persistent Organochlorine Pollutants in Human Milk: Evaluating Their Levels, Association with Total Antioxidant Capacity, and Risk Assessment. Science of The Total Environment (2024) 931, paper # 172911, 10 pp.
20. Ducic, Igor; Herceg Romanic, Snjezana; Mustac, Bosiljka; Mendas, Gordana; Djijovic-Stojanovic, Jasna; Popovic, Aleksandar; Jovanovic, Gordana. Efficiency of Clustering Methods and Self-Organizing Maps of Adriatic Sardines and Anchovies Regarding Organochlorine and Fatty Acid Burden. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2024) 31, 30509-30518.
21. Nedic, Natalija; Tadic, Tamara; Markovic, Bojana; Nastasovic, Aleksandra; Popovic, Aleksandar; Bulatovic, Sandra. Eco-Friendly Green Approach to the Biosorption of Hazardous Dyes from Aqueous Solution on Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) Biomass. Separations (2024) 11, paper # 310, 18 pp.
22. Jovanovic, Gordana; Perisic, Mirjana; Bezdan, Timea; Stanisic, Svetlana; Radusin, Kristina; Popovic, Aleksandar; Stojic, Andreja. The PM2.5-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Behavior in Indoor and Outdoor Environments, Part III: Role of Environmental Settings in Elevating Indoor Concentrations of Benzo(a)pyrene. Atmosphere (2024) 15, paper # 1520, 14 pp.
23. Anicic, Mira; Radnovic, Dragan; Ilic, Milos; Krmar, Miodrag; Kodranov, Igor: Relic, Dubravka; Popovic, Aleksandar. Atmospheric Deposition of Potentially Toxic Elements ove the Territory of Serbia Assessed by Biomonitoring in Five-Year Time Intervals: 2015 vs. 2020. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society (2024) 89, 1543-1557.
24. Mihajlidi-Zelic, Aleksandra; Sakan, Sanja; Ignjatovic, Ljubisa; Popovic, Aleksandar; Djordjevic, Dragana. Potentially Toxic Elements from Different Environmental Compartments of the River Watershed in Eastern Serbia-Assessment of the Human Health Risk: Human Health Risks of PTEs. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society (2024) 89, 1603-1617.
25. Medic, Ana; Milicevic, Tijana; Khraibah, Abdullah; Herceg Romanic, Snjezana; Matek Saric, Marijana; Li, Yingxi; D'Mello, Rochelle; Berezovski, Maxim; Popovic, Aleksandar; Minic, Zoran; Karadzic, Ivanka. Total Proteome and Calcium-Binding Proteins from Human Breast Milk: Exploring the Impact of Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Environmental Factors. Food Chemistry (2025) 472, paper # 142959, 12 pp.
26. Jakovljevic, Ivana; Stipicevic, Sanja; Herceg Romanic, Snjezana, Mendas, Gordana; Fingler, Sanja; Jaksic, Goran; Pehnec, Gordana; Popovic, Aleksandar; Milicic, Ljiljana; Milicevic, Tijana. Organic Pollutants and Potentially Toxic Elements in the Neretva Delta Sediments (Eastern Adriatic Basin, Croatia). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution (2025) 236, paper # 182, 20 pp.