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- Repozitorijum Hemijskog fakulteta - Cherry
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![[dr Maja A. Gruden-Pavlovic]](/osoblje/45.jpg)
Hemijski fakultet, Studentski trg 12-16, Beograd
Katedra za opštu i neorgansku hemiju
Telefon: 011-3336754
Telefon (lokalni): 754
Laboratorija: 544
E-mail: gmaja@chem.bg.ac.rs
Lični podaci
Maja Gruden-Pavlović rođena je 13. 9. 1970. godine u Beogradu, od oca Aleksandra, dramskog umetnika, i majke Slobodanke, lekara specijaliste-transfuziologa. Majka jednog deteta.
Obrazovanje i usavršavanja
1989-1997: Osnovne studije - Hemijske nauke / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
1997-2001: Magistratura - Hemijske nauke / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
2007: Doktorat - Hemijske nauke / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
Kretanje u službi
1997-2001: Asistent pripravnik / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
2001-2009: Asistent / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
2008-2013: Docent / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
2013-2019: Vanredni profesor / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
2019: Redovni profesor / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
Oblasti naučnog interesovanja
Koordinaciona hemija, bioneorganska hemija, teorijska hemija.
Ostale aktivnosti
Prodekan za nauku i međunarodnu saradnju Hemijskog fakulteta od 19. 5. 2013. do 30. 9. 2015.
Supervizor HemNet-a od 1. 3. 2017. do 30. 9. 2020.
Direktor Inovacionog centra HF od 1. 10. 2020.
Član Komisije za izradu strategije naučnog razvoja Hemijskog fakulteta od 9. 12. 2021. do 12. 12. 2023.
Član po funkciji Komisije za upravljanje kapitalnom opremom od 10. 11. 2022.
Angažman u nastavi
- Opšta hemija (101K2)
- Praktikum iz opšte hemije (101M2)
- Osnovi koordinacione hemije (121A2)
- Modelovanje sistema sa prelaznim metalima (135H2)
- Koordinaciona hemija (153H2)
- Metode konformacione analize (173H2)
Učešće u naučnoistraživačkim projektima
Aktivni projekti:
- 2022-2025: Tvining za rešavanje izazova PFAS -a u Srbiji (PFAStwin) – 101059534
vrsta projekta: Horizont Evropa
projekat finansira: Evropska komisija (Brisel, Belgija) - 2022-2025: Kreiranje molekulskih magneta i katalizatora zasnovanih na kompleksima prelaznih metala (TMMagCat) – 7750288
vrsta projekta: IDEJE
projekat finansira: Fond za nauku Republike Srbije (Beograd)
Završeni projekti:
- 2011: Racionalni dizajn i sinteza biološki aktivnih i koordinacionih jedinjenja i funkcionalnih materijala, relevantnih u (bio) nanotehnologiji – 172035 (rukovodilac projekta)
vrsta projekta: domaći fundamentalni
projekat finansira: Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije (Beograd) - 2011: Convergent Distributed Environment for Computational Spectroscopy – CMST COST Action CM1002
vrsta projekta: međunarodni
projekat finansira: Evropska unija (Brisel, Belgija) - 2012: Computational design of materials displaying room temperature magnetic bistability – PSTC-1
vrsta projekta: međunarodni
projekat finansiraju: Ministarstvo prosvete i nauke RS (Beograd), Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Kingdom of Spain (Madrid, Španija) - 2014: Eksplicitna kontrola spinskih stanja u tehnologiji i biohemiji (ECOSTBio) – CMST COST Action CM1305
vrsta projekta: međunarodni
projekat finansira: Evropska unija (Brisel, Belgija) - 2016: Racionalni dizajn, sinteza i karakterizacija novih jednomolekulskih magnetnih materijala – 451-03-39/2016-09/06 (rukovodilac projekta)
vrsta projekta: međunarodni
projekat finansiraju: Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja (Beograd), Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du développement international (Paris, Francuska), Ministère de l’Education nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche (Paris, Francuska) - 2016: Razvoj Density Functional Theory-based tight-binding (DFTB) za metaloproteine – 451-03-01038/2015-09/7 (rukovodilac projekta)
vrsta projekta: međunarodni
projekat finansiraju: Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja (Beograd), Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (Berlin, Nemačka) - 2018: Tvining istraživačkih aktivnosti u graničnim 'omiks istraživanjima u oblastima hrane, ishrane i životne sredine (FoodEnTwin) – No. 810752
vrsta projekta: Horizont 2020
projekat finansira: Evropska komisija (Brisel, Belgija)
Brojevi za identifikaciju autora
- ORCID: 0000-0002-0746-5754
- ResearcherID: Q-5420-2016
- Scopus: 6506469500
- Repozitorijum Hemijskog fakulteta Cherry
Izabrane reference
Knjige i revijalni radovi / Books and reviews:
- M. Gruden-Pavlović, S. Grgurić-Šipka, S. Grubišić, S. R. Niketić: Praktikum iz opšte hemije, Hemijski fakultet, Beograd, 2008.
- M. Zlatar, J. P. Brogg, A. Tschannen, M. Gruden-Pavlović, C. Daul: Density Functional Theory Study of the Multimode Jahn-Teller Effect - Ground State Distortion of Benzene Cation in: Vibronic Interactions and the Jahn-Teller Effect: Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics (Eds. M. Atanasov, C. Daul , P. L. W. Tregenna-Piggott), Springer 23 (2012) 25
- C. Daul, M. Zlatar, M. Gruden-Pavlovic and M. Swart: "Application of Density Functional and Density Functional Based Ligand Field Theory to Spin States"Book chapter in Spin states in biochemistry and inorganic chemistry: Influence on Structure and Reactivity, M. Swart, M. Costas (Eds.), Wiley, 2015; Ch. 2, 7-34 DOI: 10.1002/9781118898277.ch2
- M. Swart and M. Gruden: "Spinning around in transition-metal chemistry" Acc. Chem. Res. 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00271
- Gruden M., Browne W.R., Swart M., Duboc C. (2019) Computational Versus Experimental Spectroscopy for Transition Metals. In: Broclawik E., Borowski T., Radoń M. (eds) Transition Metals in Coordination Environments. Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics, vol 29. Springer, Cham
Izabrani radovi / Selected papers
- Lj. Andjelković, S. Stepanović, F. Vlahović, M. Zlatar and M. Gruden: "Resolving the origin of the multimode Jahn–Teller effect in metallophthalocyanines", PCCP, 2016, 18, 29122-29130
- Ajdačić, V., Stepanović, S., Zlatović, M., Gruden, M., Opsenica, I.M.: "Decarbonylative Dibromination of 5-Phenylthiophene-2-carbaldehyde with Bromine" (2016) Synthesis, DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1562615
- Stanković, B., Ostojić, B.D., Gruden, M., Popović, A., Đorđević, D.S.: "Substituted naphthalenes: Stability, conformational flexibility and description of bonding based on ETS-NOCV method" (2016) Chemical Physics Letters, 661, pp. 136-142
- Bojan Vulovic, Dusan Kolarski, Filip Bihelovic, Radomir Matovic, Maja Gruden, Radomir N. Saicic: "Gold(I)-Catalyzed Domino Cyclizations of Diynes for the Synthesis of Functionalized Cyclohexenone Derivatives. Total Synthesis of (−)-Gabosine H and (−)-6-epi-Gabosine" H, Org. Lett., 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.6b01898
- B. Stankovic, B. D. Ostojic, A. Popovic, M. A. Gruden, D. S. Ðordevic: "Theoretical study of nitrodibenzofurans: A possible relationship between molecular properties and mutagenic activity", Journal of Hazardous Materials 318 (2016) 623–630
- J. Adhikary, A. Chakraborty, S. Dasgupta, S.K. Chattopadhyay, R. Kruszynski, A. Trzesowska-Kruszynska, S. Stepanovic, M. Gruden-Pavlovic, M. Swart, and D. Das "Unique mononuclear MnII complexes of end-off compartmental Schiff base ligand: experimental and theoretical study on their bio-relevant catalytic promiscuity" Dalton Trans. 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6DT00625F
- A.J. Fitzpatrick, S. Stepanovic, H. Müller-Bunz, M. Gruden-Pavlovic, P. Garcia Fernandez, and G.G. Morgan, "Challenges in assignment of orbital populations in a high spin manganese(III) complex"Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 6702-6708
- M. Zlatar, M. Gruden, O. Vassilyeva, E. Buvaylo, A. Ponomaryov, S. Zvyagin, J. Wosnitza, J. Krzystek, P. García-Fernández, C. Duboc, "Origin of the zero-field splitting in mononuclear octahedral MnIV complexes: A combined experimental and theoretical investigation" Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55 (3), pp 1192–1201
- M. Gruden, S. Stepanovic, and M. Swart "Spin state relaxation of iron complexes: The case for OPBE and S12g" J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 2015, 80, 1399-1410
- Filip Vlahović, Marko Perić, Maja Gruden-Pavlović, Matija Zlatar, Assessment of TD-DFT and LF-DFT for study of d − d transitions in first row transition metal hexaaqua complexes, J. Chem. Phys. 142 (2015) doi: 10.1063/1.4922111
- Lj. Andjelković, M. Gruden- Pavlović, M. Zlatar, Chemical Physics, (2015), doi: 0.1016/j.chemphys.2015.05.007
- Lj. Andjelković, M. Perić, M. Zlatar, M. Gruden- Pavlović, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. (2015), doi: 10.2298/JSC141107025A
- M. Perić, A. García-Fuente, M. Zlatar, C. Daul, S. Stepanović, P. García-Fernández, and M. Gruden-Pavlović
"Magnetic Anisotropy in “Scorpionate” First-Row Transition-Metal Complexes: A Theoretical Investigation"
Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21(9), 3716. - B. Čobeljić, A. Pevec, S. Stepanović, V. Spasojević, M. Milenković, I. Turel, M. Swart, M. Gruden-Pavlović, K. Adaila, and K. Anđelković"Experimental and theoretical investigation of octahedral and square-planar isothiocyanato complexes of Ni(II) with acylhydrazones of 2-(diphenylphosphino)benzaldehyde"Polyhedron 2015, 89, 271-279
- M. Jovanović, M. Gruden-Pavlović, M. Zlatović, Stabilizing non-covalent interactions of ligand aromatic moieties and proline in ligand - protein systems, Monatsh. Chem. 14 (2015) 389–397
- K. Adaila, M. Milenković, A. Bacchi, G. Cantoni, M. Swart, M. Gruden-Pavlović, M. Milenković, B. Čobeljić, T. Todorović and K. Andjelković: Synthesis, characterization, DFT calculations and antimicrobial activity of Pd(II) and Co(III) complexes with condensation derivative of 2-(diphenylphosphino)benzaldehyde and Girard's T reagent, J. Coord. Chem. 67 (2014) 3633-3648
- R. Matović, F. Bihelović, M.Gruden-Pavlović, R. N. Saičić: Total synthesis and biological evaluation of atrop-O-benzyl-desmethylabyssomicin C, Org. Biomol. Chem. 12 (2014) 7682-7685
- M. Milenković, A. Pevec, I. Turel, M. Vujčić, M. Milenković, K. Jovanović, N. Gligorijević, S. Radulović, M. Swart, M. Gruden-Pavlović, B. Čobeljić and K. Anđelković: Synthesis, characterization, DFT calculation and biological activity of square-planar Ni(II) complexes with tridentate PNO ligands and monodentate pseudohalogenides. Part II, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 87 (2014) 284-297
- P. García-Fernández, J. A. Aramburu, M. Moreno, M. Zlatar and M. Gruden-Pavlović: A Practical Computational Approach to Study Molecular Instability Using the Pseudo Jahn-Teller Effect, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 10/4 (2014) 1824-1833
- M. Gruden-Pavlović, S. Stepanović, M. Perić, M. Güell and M. Swart: Density functional study of the spin state energetics of polypyrazolylborato complexes of first-row transition metals, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16 (2014) 14514-14522
- M. Perić, L. Andjelković, M. Zlatar, C. Daul, M. Gruden-Pavlović: DFT investigation of the influence of Jahn-Teller distortion on the aromaticity in square-planar arsenic and antimony clusters, Polyhedron 80 (2014) 69-80
- B. Vulović, M.Gruden-Pavlović, R. Matović and R. N. Saičić: Substrate Stereocontrol in the Intramolecular Organocatalyzed Tsuji-Trost Reaction: Enantioselective Synthesis of Allokainates, Org. Lett. 16 (2014) 34-37
- M. Gruden-Pavlović, M. Perić, M. Zlatar, P. García-Fernández,: Theoretical study of the magnetic anisotropy and magnetic tunneling in mononuclear Ni(II) complexes with potential molecular magnet behavior, Chem. Sci. 5 (2014) 1453
- K. S. Shweshein, F. Andrić, A. Radoičić, M. Zlatar, M. Gruden-Pavlović, Ž. Tešić and D. Milojković-Opsenica: Lipophilicity assessment of ruthenium(II)-arene complexes by the means of reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography and DFT calculations, The Scientific World Journal vol. 2014 (2014), article ID 862796, 10 pages
- S. Stepanović, L. Andjelković, M. Zlatar, K. Andjelković, M. Gruden-Pavlović and M. Swart: Role of Spin-State and Ligand-Charge in Coordination Patterns in Complexes of 2,6-Diacetylpyridinebis(semioxamazide) with 3d-Block Metal Ions: A Density Functional Theory Study, Inorg. Chem. 52/23 (2013) 13415-13423
- P. García-Fernández, L. Andjelković, M. Zlatar, M. Gruden-Pavlović and A. Dreuw: A simple monomer-based model-Hamiltonian approach to combine excitonic coupling and Jahn-Teller theory, J. Chem. Phys. 139 (2013) 174101
- M. Zlatar, M. Gruden-Pavlović, M. Güell, M. Swart: Computational study of the spin-state energies and UV-VIS spectra of bis(1,4,7-triazacyclononane) complexes of some first-row transition metal cations, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15/18 (2013) 6631-663
- M. Perić, L. Andjelković, M. Zlatar, A. S. Nikolić, C. Daul, M. Gruden-Pavlović: Spherical aromaticity of Jahn-Teller active fullerene ions, Monatsh. Chem. 144/6 (2013) 817-823.
- H. Ramanantoanina, M. Zlatar, P. Garcia Fernandez, C. Daul, M. Gruden-Pavlović: General treatment of the multimode Jahn-Teller effect: Study of fullerene cation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15/4 (2013) 1252-1259
- Lj. Andjelković, M. Gruden-Pavlović, C. Daul, M. Zlatar: The Choice of the Exchange-Correlation Functional for the Determination of the Jahn-Teller Parameters by the Density Functional Theory, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 113/6 (2013) 859-864.
- H. Ramanantoanina, M. Gruden-Pavlović, M. Zlatar, C. Daul: Density Functional Theory Study of the Multimode Jahn-Teller Problem in the Fullerene Anion, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 113/6 (2013) 802-807
- M. Djordjević, D. Jeremić, K. Anđelković, M. Gruden-Pavlović, V. Divjaković, M. Šumar Ristović, I. Brceski: Novel Cobalt(II) and Cadmium(II) compounds with adamantane-1-sulfonic acid, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 77/10 (2012), 1391-1399
- M. Šumar Ristović, M. Gruden-Pavlović, M. Zlatar, V. Blagojević, K. Anđelković, D. Poleti, D. M. Minić: Kinetics, mechanism and DFT calculations of thermal degradation of Zn(II) complex with 3 N-benzyloxycarbonylglycinato ligand, Monatsh. Chem. 143 (2012) 1133-1139
- M. Perić, M. Zlatar, S. Grubišić, M. Gruden-Pavlović: Magnetic couplings mediated through the non-covalent interactions, Polyhedron 42/1 (2012) 89-94
- Lj. Andjelković, M. Perić, M. Zlatar, S. Grubišić, M. Gruden-Pavlović: Magnetic criteria of aromaticity in a benzene cation and anion: How does the Jahn-Teller effect influence the aromaticity? Tetrahedron Letters, 53/7 (2012) 794-799
- Č. Jovalekić, A. S. Nikolić, M. Gruden-Pavlović and M. Pavlović: Mechanochemical synthesis of stochiometric nickel and nickel-zinc ferrite powders with Nicolson-Ross analysis of absorption coefficients, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., 77/4 (2012) 497-505
- M. Perić, M. Zlatar, M. Gruden-Pavlović, S. Grubišić: A DFT study of the magnetic coupling interaction in a series of binuclear oxalate complexes, Monatsh. Chem. 143 (2012) 569
- M. Gruden-Pavlović, P. García-Fernández, Lj. Andjelković, C. Daul, M. Zlatar: Treatment of the Multimode Jahn-Teller Problem in Small Aromatic Radicals, J. Phys. Chem. A 115 (2011) 10801
- F. Senn, M. Zlatar, M. Gruden-Pavlović, C. Daul: Computational analysis of tris(1,2-ethanediamine) cobalt(III) complex ion: calculation of the 59Co shielding tensor using LF-DFT, Monatsh. Chem. 142 (2011) 593
- M. Perić, M. Zlatar, S. R. Niketić, M. Gruden-Pavlović, S. Grubišić: DFT and MM description of the structure and magnetic properties of manganese complexes with X-phenylcyanamido bridging ligand, Monatsh. Chem. 142 (2011) 585
- Lj. Andjelković, S. Grubisic, I. Djordjević, M. Zlatar, S. Niketić, M. Gruden-Pavlović: Consistent Force Field for Metalloporphyrins, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 75/12 (2010) 1671-1683
- M. Zlatar, M. Gruden-Pavlović, C-W. Schlaepfer, C. Daul: Intrinsic Distortion Path in the analysis of the Jahn-Teller effect, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 954/1-3 (2010) 86-93
- M. Gruden-Pavlović, M. Zlatar, C-W. Schlaepfer, C. Daul: DFT study of the Jahn-Teller effect in Cu(II) chelate complexes, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 954/1-3 (2010) 80-85
- J. Lazić, Lj. Vučićević, S. Grgurić-Šipka, K. Janjetović, G. Kaludjerović, M. Misirkić, M. Gruden-Pavlović, D. Popadić, R. Paschke, V. Trajković, T. Sabo: Synthesis and in vitro Anticancer Activity of Octahedral Platinum(IV) Complexes with Cyclohexyl-Functionalized Ethylenediamine-N,N'-Diacetate-Type Ligands, ChemMedChem 5/6 (2010) 881-889
- B. Antić, A. Kremenović, M. Vučinić-Vasić, Z. Dohčević-Mitrović, A. S. Nikolić, M. Gruden-Pavlović, B. Jančar, A. Meden: Composition related properties of (Yb,Y)2O3 nanoparticles synthesized by controlled thermal degradation of AA complexes, Materials Chemistry and Physics 122/2-3 (2010) 386-391
- M. Zlatar, M. Gruden-Pavlović, C-W. Schlapfer, C. Daul: Density Functional Theory for the study of the multimode Jahn-Teller effect, Chimia 64/3 (2010) 161-164