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List of tools on the sidebar

Tab/Widget Description
white.gif Displays/hides the Document panel.
white.gifTopic List widget Lists all topics in the current document. (Managing topics using the Topic List)
white.gifPage List widget Displays the thumbnails of pages in the current topic. (Managing pages using the Page List)
white.gifAttachments widget Displays all files attached to the current document. (Managing attachments)
white.gif Displays/hides the Gallery panel.
white.gifGallery widget Selects images to be imported to the current StarBoard document.(Inserting images)
white.gif Displays/hides the Properties panel.
white.gifTool Properties widget Displays the properties of the currently selected tool. (Changing the Pen type/color/width, Changing the Eraser type/width, Changing the format of text)
white.gifObject Properties widget Displays the properties of the currently selected objects.
white.gifPage Properties widget Displays the properties of the current page. (Setting page properties)
Clicking hide_top_layer.png uncovers/covers the foreground sheet of the Whiteboard page.
white.gif Displays/hides the View panel.
white.gifNavigation widget Displays a thumbnail image of the current page. Using the buttons and cursor, you can zoom-in/out and scroll the view. (Zooming-in/out and scrolling the view)
white.gifScreen Layout widget Clicking the toggle buttons allows you to specify whether to display the following components of the screen. It also allows you to switch between the Full-screen mode and the Windowed mode.
  • Sidebar
  • Menu Bar (Windows version only)
  • Scroll Bar
  • Trash Can
  • Context Bars
  • Status Indicator
  • Page Tab
  • Full-Screen
This widget also contains the following controls for the Grid feature:
  • Grid Size
  • Show Grid Lines
  • Snap to Grid Lines
  • Adjust Line Position
white.gifconference_tab.pngDisplays/hides the Conference panel.
white.gifConference widgetDisplays the properties for the conferencing feature.
The controls in the widget allow you to hold a conference with other StarBoard Software users. (StarBoard Conferencing)