HOME / Operations / Adding text

Adding text

Text can be added using either of two methods:

By drawing a text box

  1. Select Text from the Tools menu.

  2. Drag the area in which you want enter text, and then enter text.

By direct input of text
  1. Position the pointer anywhere on the whiteboard area.

  2. Type in the text (you can press a number, letter or symbol key or Ctrl+T - or mac_command_key.png+T on Mac).
    A text box will be automatically created:

  3. Text entered directly

  4. Resize or move the text box as required.

Note: To fit text within an object, see Fitting text within an object.

Changing the format of text

  1. Select (Tool Properties) from the toolbar.
    The Tool Properties widget is displayed.


  2. Set the format of the character and text object using the buttons, drop-down lists, or slider.

Other ways to change the format of text
You can also change the properties of selected text by using the buttons and drop-down lists in the Object Properties panel (in the sidebar):

Text object properties

You can also use the buttons and drop-down lists in the selected text's context bar (if this feature has been enabled):

Context bar for text object

Please also see Context Bars.