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Our research group is dealing with two main research topics: (1) Development of bioremediation techniques for protection and preservation of degraded areas, and (2) development and production of new dietetic products and biomaterials.
(1) Within developing of bioremediation techniques, research areas include protection and preservation of degraded areas of environment, soilification, biogeochemical cycles, environmental microbiology, petroleum biodegradation processes.
Research and developing of unique bioremediation and soilification techniques for areas polluted by oil and oil derivatives off-balance hydrocarbon materials after being separated from their usable parts and degraded areas (oil fields, refinery area and facilities, ash dumps of thermo-electric power plants), is one of major interest for more than 10 years. Using microbiological, biochemical and chemical analysis for isolation and characterization of microbial consortium from contaminated areas, microorganisms are being selected, adapted, multiplied and applied to the contaminated site. Determination of biodegradable activity of these microorganisms is allowing us to apply most efficient bioremediation technique for every particular contaminated site and in accordance with principles of green chemistry and the concept of biotechnology.
Contribution in producing ten PhD theses and more than twenty publications in international journals in the field of bioremediation and biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons is one of our most important results. Our team won on competition for the best technological innovation with innovation "Mobile bioreactor for production of microbe biomass for bioremediation" two years in row (2009 - first place, 2010 - second place).
As well, our group is developing potential commercial strategies for commercial users such as BREM GROUP Ltd. - Serbia.
(2) Within development and production of new dietetic products research areas includes development Infant Formulas (IF), determination of food components, prebiotics and probiotics, and microbial polysaccharides.
Research topiscs are focused to developing and testing functionally new IF (F for pregnant women, as well) up to the industrial level, based on fresh cow milk from protected areas, that have special features in relation to biofidogenic effect, thanks to their own prebiotics and probiotics (symbiotics) and antioxidation features.
As well, investigation of various biomaterials such as low- and highmolecular biosurfactants and polysaccharides that may be obtained from microbial sources (levan, pullulan, β-glucans) is important research area. One of main interests is development of new biodegradable materials for use in food, pharmacy and environmental protection (i.e. bifidogenic properties of β-glucans with different degree of purity, influence of process conditions on biotechnological production of polysaccharides).
This research area resulted in ten PhD theses and numerous publications in international journals in the field of new dietetic products and biomaterials.
We contributed in research, developing and releasing to Serbian market more than 10 commercial dietetic products. Our group successfully cooperates with IMPAMIL Ltd. - Serbia, the only producer of milk formula and milk baby food, not only in Serbia, but throughout the Balkans.
If you are interested in our research work, please follow the link: