International Projects Currently Being Realized
An Innovative Analytical Platform to Investigate the Effect and Toxicity of Micro and Nano Plastics Combined with Environmental Contaminants on the Risk of Allergic Disease in Preclinical and Clinical Studies Horizon 2020 |
Twinning to address the PFAS challenge in Serbia Horizon Europe |
Allergenicity Prediction Toolbox for novel foods Horizon Europe |
Environmental Improvment in Pancevo, Serbia, through the Collaborations among Academia, Government, Industy and Citizens JICA Partnership Program |
Application of various untargeted metabolomics for mapping plant biomarkers of chemical exposure to support hot-zone analysis by handheld leaf spectrometer OPCW Funded Project |
Strengthening the potential of algal proteins for food colouring and fortification using high-pressure technology ANSO Funded Project |
Impact of microplastics originating from formula preparation on protein digestion in infant digestion models Horizon Europe |
GraspOS: next Generation Research Assessment to Promote Open Science Horizon Europe |
Metal complexes of a naturally inspired framework functionalized for cytotoxic and catalytic efficiency Horizon Europe |
SB Fingerprint / L/ICA/ICB-108/21 Metabolomic Fingerprints of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder project type: International Research Projects |
Comprehensive platform for selecting and producing algal extracts as cell media components for meat cultivation. Good Food Institute, ´ŐŰĐŇŐŕ, Á°´ |
NanoMOF / HF-275 Nano-hybrid materials based on metal-organic frameworks as artificial enzymes for proteomics applications FWO, ąŕŘáŐŰ, ąŐŰÓŘřĐ |
451-03-01039/2015-09/05 Advanced rational utilization of lignite - petrographical and geochemical approach project type: International |