International Projects Currently Being Realized

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IMPTOX / 965173

An Innovative Analytical Platform to Investigate the Effect and Toxicity of Micro and Nano Plastics Combined with Environmental Contaminants on the Risk of Allergic Disease in Preclinical and Clinical Studies

Horizon 2020

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PFAStwin / 101059534

Twinning to address the PFAS challenge in Serbia

Horizon Europe

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ALLPreT / 101072377

Allergenicity Prediction Toolbox for novel foods

Horizon Europe

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Environmental Improvment in Pancevo, Serbia, through the Collaborations among Academia, Government, Industy and Citizens

JICA Partnership Program

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CIA p-LABs / HF-151

Application of various untargeted metabolomics for mapping plant biomarkers of chemical exposure to support hot-zone analysis by handheld leaf spectrometer

OPCW Funded Project

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Strengthening the potential of algal proteins for food colouring and fortification using high-pressure technology

ANSO Funded Project


Microprot / 101063185

Impact of microplastics originating from formula preparation on protein digestion in infant digestion models

Horizon Europe

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GraspOS / HF-220 / 101095129

GraspOS: next Generation Research Assessment to Promote Open Science

Horizon Europe

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MET-EFFECT / 101086373

Metal complexes of a naturally inspired framework functionalized for cytotoxic and catalytic efficiency

Horizon Europe

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SB Fingerprint / L/ICA/ICB-108/21

Metabolomic Fingerprints of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

project type:   International Research Projects

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Comprehensive platform for selecting and producing algal extracts as cell media components for meat cultivation.

Good Food Institute, ´ŐŰĐŇŐŕ, Á°´


NanoMOF / HF-275

Nano-hybrid materials based on metal-organic frameworks as artificial enzymes for proteomics applications




Advanced rational utilization of lignite - petrographical and geochemical approach

project type:   International

National Projects Currently Being Realized

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New SMART Synthesis / 7750119

New Synthetic Methods and their Applications for Rapid Total Syntheses of Complex Natural Products and Bioactive Molecules

Science Fund of RS - The Program IDEAS

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TMMagCat / 7750288

Tailoring Molecular Magnets and Catalysts Based on Transition Metal Complexes

Science Fund of RS - The Program IDEAS

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PhytoPFAS / HF-209

Phytoremediation for in situ treatment of agricultural soil and surface waters polluted with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances - research on PFOS and PFOA as model compounds

Science Fund of RS

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ELIPS / HF-167

Environmental Identity of Primary School Students in Serbia

Science Fund of RS: The Program IDENTITIES

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PhotoSCLART / HF-195

Development of nature-inspired photoresponsive anticancer agents - sclareol and artemisinin derivatives in cancer multidrug-resistance models: a foundation for the theranostic approach

Science Fund RS - Program PRISM

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XPACT / HF-182

Exploration of PETase side activity of digestive enzymes of human gastrointestinal tract acting on micro- and nanoplastics: mode of action and products characterization

Science Fund RS - Program PRISM

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Advancing REversible immunocapture toward SCALablE EV purification

Science Fund RS - Program PRISM

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WasteBridge / HF-208

From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment - minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry

Science Fund RS - Program PRISM

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UniCorn / HF-188

Unique enzyme solutions for obtaining added value products from corn

Science Fund RS - Program PRISM

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GlucoAdjust / HF-190

New concept for treatment of glycogen storage disease Ib and diabetes mellitus type 2: small molecule compounds able to adjust glucose level through binding glucose-6-phospate translocase

Science Fund RS - Program PRISM

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Pep4Meat / HF-234

Exploring the potential of algal-derived (chromo)peptides as serum replacement components for meat cultivation

Science Fund RS - Program PROMIS23

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BioSynthClust / HF-178

Microalgae for biosynthesis of metal cluster compounds

Science Fund RS - Program PRISM

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MiMoSenSa / HF-243

Development of MIP functionalized MOF-based electrochemical Sensor for food Safety monitoring

Science Fund RS - Program PROMIS23

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PELAS / HF-246

Peloids in Serbia: geochemical characterisation, quality assessment and ecosystem services of pelod rich areas

Science Fund RS - Program PROMIS23

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Support for the formation of an Innovation Incubator at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry for raising the entrepreneurial competencies of students and researchers

project type:   MESTD Program Activities

Finished International Projects

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FoodEnTwin / No. 810752

Twinning of research activities for the frontier research in the fields of food, nutrition and environmental 'omics

project type:   Horizon 2020


LVP-BPA UNDP 00121484/2020-02

Preventing and Responding to COVID-19 in at-Risk Areas - Sustainable Production of the Serological IgG Test for SARS CoV-2 in Serbia

Partnership with UNDP

Finished National Projects

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SYMBIOSIS / 6066997

Controllable Design of Efficient Enzyme@MOF Composites for Biocatalysis

Science FUND RS: Program for excellent projects of young researchers - PROMIS

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CD-HEM / 6066886

Computational Design of High Energetic Materials: Case of Chelate Complexes

Science FUND RS: Program for excellent projects of young researchers - PROMIS

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LEAPSyn-SCI / 6039663

Late Embryogenesis Abundant Proteins: Structural Characterization and Interaction with α-Synuclein - LEAPSyn-SCI

Science FUND RS: Program for excellent projects of young researchers - PROMIS



Production of the protein, probable marker for linden allergy

Innovation Fund RS - Proof of Concept



Natural, non-alcoholic propolis extracts for the prevention of upper-respiratory-tract infections and immune system boost in children

Innovation Fund RS - Proof of Concept



BEER+HyZn: Zinc and hyaluronan enriched beer with immune-stimulating action and anti-aging effect

Innovation Fund RS - Proof of Concept

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Repurposing of drugs for prevention and treatment of Covid-19

Science FUND RS: Special research program on COVID-19

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SMART Repurposing / 7547552

Small Molecule Anti-RNA-virus Therapy. Repurposing Iminosugars and Chloroquine Analogues Against COVID-19

Science FUND RS: Special research program on COVID-19

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CAPSIDO / 7542203

Development of the assays for detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus capsid proteins in biological fluids of COVID-19 patients

Science FUND RS: Special research program on COVID-19