Course code:
Course name:
Inorganic Chemistry

Academic year:


Attendance requirements:

There are no requirements.



Study level:

basic academic studies

Study program:

Environmental Chemistry: 1. year, summer semester, compulsory course


Ilija D. Brčeski, Ph.D.
full professor, Faculty of Chemistry, Studentski trg 12-16, Beograd


Hours of instruction:

Weekly: five hours of lectures + one hour of exercises (5+1+0)


Inorganic Chemistry is one of the fundamental courses within this study program.The main goal of this course is to introduce students to elements and their compounds. Students will learn about the occurrence of elements in nature, the methods used for obtaining these elements in their pure form and their most important compounds and application, i.e. practical use. In order to meet the requirements of this particular study group, students are also introduced to the basic ecochemical properties of elements and their compounds and their role in the global ecological cycle. The toxicological properties are given for some of the elements/compounds. Coordination chemistry and the properties of coordination compounds are studied in great detail within this course.


  • profound understanding of the basic chemistry of elements,
  • detailed understanding of the most important compounds of the selected elements,
  • thorough understanding of the basic ecological cycles which include chemical elements and the consequences of disturbing these cycles,
  • detailed understanding of the concept of catalysis and catalytic action.


Students are familiar with the chemistry of elements and understand the logic behind the arrangement of the periodic table. They understand the role of particular elements and their inorganic compounds in ecochemical and biochemical cycles and industry.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, theory/calculation exercises.

Extracurricular activities:


Main coursebooks:

  • Ivan Filipović, Stjepan Lipanović: Opća i anorganska kemija 1 i 2 deo, Školska knjiga, Zagreb

Supplementary coursebooks:

  • Dejan Poleti: Hemija elemenata, TMF, Beograd
  • H. B. Jacimirski: Uvod u bioneorgansku hemiju, Privredni pregled, Beograd

Additional material:

  Course activities and grading method


5 points (5 hours a week)


  • Chemistry of the elements (their occurrence in nature, properties, relevant inorganic compounds, use).
  • Hydrogen. The halogens.
  • The chalcogens.
  • The nitrogen group.
  • The carbon group.
  • The boron group. General methods for obtaining metals.
  • The alkali and alkaline earth metals.
  • General properties of the d- and f-block elements. Lanthanides and actinides.
  • The titanium group and the vanadium group. The chromium group and the manganese group.
  • The Iron Triad. The copper group and the zinc group.
  • The platinum group metals and the noble gases.
  • Synthesis, stability, chemical transformations of complexes and the reaction mechanisms in coordination chemistry. The fundamentals of nomenclature of coordination compounds.
  • Basic techniques used for the characterization of coordination compounds.
  • Coordination compounds in biological systems - fundamentals of bioinorganic chemistry.
  • Introduction to solid state chemistry.
  • Fundamentals of catalysis.


5 points (1 hour a week)


20 points

Written exam:

30 points

Oral exam:

40 points