![[dr Ksenija A. Stojanovic]](/osoblje/44.jpg)
Faculty of Chemistry, Studentski trg 12-16, Beograd
Department of Applied Chemistry
Phone: 011-3336776
Phone (local): 776
Laboratory: 640
E-mail: ksenija@chem.bg.ac.rs
Personal data
Born on December 20th 1971 in Belgrade.
Education and qualifications
1990-1995: Undergraduate studies - Chemistry / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
1996-2000: Master of science studies - Chemistry / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2000-2004: Doctoral academic (PhD) studies - Chemistry / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2006-2007: Postdoctoral studies / Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Russian Academy of Science (Tomsk, Russian Federation)
History of employment
1996: Graduate assistant / Medicinski fakultet (Belgrade, Serbia)
2000: Assistant / Medicinski fakultet (Belgrade, Serbia)
2008-2013: Assistant professor / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2013-2018: Associate professor / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2018: Full professor / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
Scientific interest
- Organic geochemistry
- Chemometry
- Environmental chemistry
Awards and merits
2006: Prize for the best paper presented by young researchers (until 35 years) at the 6th International Conference “Oil and Gas Chemistry“
2011: Prize of the American Chemical Society for the reviewing papers in scientific journals published by the American Chemical Society
Other activities
Member of Serbian Chemical Society from 2005.
Member of European Association of Organic Geochemists from 2011.
Chairman of the Committee for Admision to Basic and Integrated Studies from June 9, 2016 till June 13, 2019.
Member of the Committee for Self-evaluation from November 9, 2017 till October 8, 2020.
Deputy chairman of the Board of the Faculty of Chemistry from November 8, 2018 till February 12, 2020.
Chairman of the Committee for Admision to Basic and Integrated Studies from June 13, 2019 till May 12, 2022.
Member of the Committee for Self-evaluation from October 8, 2020.
Member of the from December 10, 2020.
Member of the Committee for MSc and PhD Studies from July 12, 2021.
Chairman of the Committee for Admision to Basic and Integrated Studies from May 12, 2022.
Educational activities
- Industrial Chemistry (501A2)
- Industrial Chemistry - Best Available Techniques (501S2)
- Geochemistry and Soil Pollutants (512S2)
- Selected Chapters of Applied Chemistry (549A2)
- Fuels (571H2)
- Biomarkers in Reconstruction of Geological Evolution (575H2)
- Practice (P11H2)
- Practice (P11S2)
- Practice (P51H2)
- Practice (P51S2)
Participation in research projects
Active projects:
- 2021-2022: Sources and occurrence of organophosphate flame retardants in indoor and outdoor environments in Germany and Serbia – human exposure assessment and possible degradation methods – 451-03-01344/2020-09/4
project type: Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
project is funded by: Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Belgrade, Serbia), Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja (Belgrade, Serbia)
Finished projects:
- 2011: – 176006
project type: National Fundamental Research Projects
project is funded by: Ministry of Science and Technological Development (Belgrade, Serbia) - 2016-2017: Advanced rational utilization of lignite - petrographical and geochemical approach – 451-03-01039/2015-09/05 (principal investigator)
project type: International
project is funded by: Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja (Belgrade, Serbia), Österreichischer Austauschdienst (Beč, Austria)
Author identification numbers
- ORCID: 0000-0002-5566-2648
- ResearcherID: P-6446-2016
- Scopus: 8961847800
- Faculty of Chemistry Repository Cherry
Representative references
Knjige i revijalni radovi / Books and reviews:
- Karadžić I., Stojanović K., Šljivar Broćić S., Vujović Z. (1998) Organska hemija i hemija prirodnih priozvoda. Zbirka ispitnih zadataka iz hemije za studente Medicinskog fakulteta, Conit, Beograd.
- Vujović Z., Karadžić I., Gopčević K., Avramović N., Bašić R., Dragutinović V., Radosavljević B., Stojanović K., Šljivar Broćić S., Vujić-Redžić V., Zindović Lj. (2000) Zbirka ispitnih zadataka iz hemije za studente Medicinskog fakulteta, urednik, Karadžić I., Conit, Beograd.
- Gopčević K., Vujić V., Stojanović K., Dragutinović V., Krstić D., Radosavljević B., Avramović N., Izrael-Živković L., Bašić R. (2005) Praktikum iz hemije sa radnom sveskom i zbirkom zadataka za studente II godine Medicinskog fakulteta, urednik Karadžić, I., Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.
- Gopčević K., Vujić V., Stojanović K., Dragutinović V., Krstić D., Radosavljević B., Avramović N., Izrael-Živković L., Bašić R. (2006) Praktikum iz hemije sa radnom sveskom i zbirkom zadataka za studente II godine Medicinskog fakulteta, urednik Karadžić, I., Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu (dopunjeno i izmenjeno izdanje).
- Vujović Z., Karadžić I., Gopčević K., Vujić V., Stojanović K., Krstić D. (2006) Odabrana poglavlja iz hemije za studente Medicinskog fakulteta, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.
- Gopčević K., Vujić V., Stojanović K., Dragutinović V., Krstić D., Radosavljević B., Avramović N., Izrael-Živković L., Bašić R. (2006) A Practical Guide to Chemistry Exercises with Workbook and Collection of Numerical Problems for 2nd year students of medicine, Editor: Dr I. Karadžić. Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.
- Pfendt P. Stojanović K, Mihajlidi-Zelić A., Relić D (2012) Praktikum iz Industrijske hemije sa radnom sveskom. Hemijski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Izabrani radovi / Selected papers:
- Stojanović K., Jovančićević B., Pevneva G.S., Golovko J.A., Golovko A.K., Pfendt P. (2001) Maturity assessment of oils from the Sakhalin oil fields in Russia: phenanthrene content as a tool. Organic Geochemistry 32, 721-731.
- Jovančićević B., Wehner H., Scheeder G., Stojanović K., Šainović A., Cvetković O., Ercegovac M., Vitorović D. (2002) Search for source rocks of Drmno depression crude oils (southern part of the Pannonian Basin, Serbia). Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 67, 553-566.
- Šainović A., Stojanović K., Filipović I., Cvetković O., Jovančićević B., Vitorović D. (2004) Interpretation of Serbian surface sediments' maturation parameters based on factor analysis. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 69, 611-624.
- Golovko A.K. Pevneva G.S. Kam’yanov V.F. Jovančićević B., Stojanović K., Murneren M.T. (2004) Saturated hydrocarbons in Mesozoic oils from Mongolia. Petroleum Chemistry 44, 395-402.
- Pevneva G.S., Golovko A.K., Ivanova E.V., Kam’yanov V.F., Stojanović K. (2005) Aromatic hydrocarbons in Mongolian oils. Petroleum Chemistry 45, 297-304.
- Golovko A.K., Gorbunova L.V., Jovančićević B., Kam’yanov V.F., Stojanović K. (2005) Structure and compositions of Cenozoic oils from the Pannonian Basin (Yugoslavia). Petroleum Chemistry 45, 156-166.
- Šolević T., Stojanović K., Jovančićević B., Vitorović D., Mandić G., Schwarzbauer J. (2006) Multivariate statistical methods applied to interpretation of saturated biomarkers (Velebit oil field, Pannonian Basin, Serbia). Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 71, 745-769.
- Stojanović K., Jovančićević B., Vitorović D., Golovko Y., Pevneva G., Golovko A. (2007) Evaluation of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons oil-oil maturity correlation parameters (SE Pannonian Basin, Serbia). Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 72 1237-1254.
- Stojanović K., Jovančićević B., Vitorović D., Pevneva G., Golovko J., Golovko A. (2007) New maturation parameters based on naphthalene and phenanthrene isomerization and dealkylation processes aimed at improved classification of crude oils (Southeastern Pannonian Basin, Serbia). Geochemistry International 45, 781-797.
- Stojanović K., Jovančićević B., Vitorović D., Golovko J., Pevneva G., Golovko A. (2007) Hierarchy of maturation parameters in oil-source rock correlations. Case study: Drmno depression, Southeastern Pannonian Basin, Serbia and Montenegro. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering 55, 237-251.
- Šolević T., Stojanović K., Bojesen-Koefoed J., Nytoft H.P., Jovančićević B., Vitorović D. (2008) Origin of oils in the Velebit oil-gas field, SE Pannonian Basin, Serbia - source rocks characterization based on biological marker distributions. Organic Geochemistry 39, 118-134.
- Šajnović A. Stojanović K., Jovančićević B., Cvetković O. (2008) Biomarker distributions as indicators for the depositional environment of lacustrine sediments in the Valjevo-Mionica basin (Serbia). CHEMIE der ERDE GEOCHEMISTRY 68, 395-411.
- Šajnović A. Stojanović K., Jovančićević B., Golovko A. (2009) Geochemical investigation and characterisation of Neogene sediments from Valjevo-Mionica basin (Serbia). Environmental Geology 56, 1629-1641.
- Stojanović, K., Jovančićević B., Šajnović A., Sabo T.J., Vitorović D., Schwarzbauer J., Golovko A. (2009) Pyrolysis and Pt(IV)- and Ru(III)-ion catalyzed pyrolysis of asphaltenes in organic geochemical investigation of a biodegraded crude oil (Gaj, Serbia). Fuel 88, 287-296.
- Životić D., Jovančićević B., Schwarzbauer J., Cvetković O., Gržetić I., Ercegovac M., Stojanović K., Šajnović A. (2010) The petrographical and organic geochemical composition of coal from the East field, Bogovina Basin (Serbia). International Journal of Coal Geology 81, 227-241.
- Stojanović K., Šajnović A., Sabo T., Golovko A., Jovančićević B. (2010) Pyrolysis and Catalyzed Pyrolysis in the Investigation of a Neogene Shale Potential from Valjevo-Mionica Basin, Serbia. Energy Fuels 24, 4357-4368.
- Šajnović A., Stojanović K., Pevneva G., Golovko A., Jovančićević, B. (2010) Origin, organic geochemistry, and estimation of the generation potential of Neogene lacustrine sediments from the Valjevo–Mionica Basin, Serbia. Geochemistry International 48, 678-694.
- Mrkić S., Stojanović K., Kostić A., Nytoft H.P., Šajnović A. (2011) Organic geochemistry of Miocene source rocks from the Banat Depression (S.E. Pannonian Basin, Serbia). Organic Geochemistry 42, 655-677.
- Stojanović K., Kostić A., Šajnović A., Pevneva G.S., Golovko A.K., Jovančićević B. (2011) Validation of data on polycyclic biomarkers, naphthalenes, phenanthrenes, and alkyldibenzothiophenes obtained by gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of hydrocarbon concentrates. Petroleum Chemistry 51, 243-251.
- Šajnović A., Stojanović K., Simić V., Pevneva G., Golovko A., Jovančićević, B. (2011) Studying of liquid thermolysis products of various types of immature kerogen in sedimentary lacustrine rocks from the Valjevo-Mionica Basin, Serbia, and the effect of Pt4+ and Ru3+ ions on their yield and the hydrocarbon composition. Geochemistry International 49, 1022-1034.
- Stojanović K., Životić D., Šajnović A., Cvetković O., Nytoft H.P., Scheeder G. (2012) Drmno lignite field (Kostolac Basin, Serbia): origin and palaeoenvironmental implications from petrological and organic geochemical studies. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 77, 1109-1127.
- Stojanović K., Životić D. (2013) Comparative study of Serbian Miocene coals – insights from biomarker composition. International Journal of Coal Geology 107, 3-23.
- Životić D., Stojanović K., Gržetić I., Jovančićević B., Cvetković O., Šajnović A., Simić V., Stojaković R., Scheeder G. (2013) Petrological and geochemical composition of lignite from the D field, Kolubara basin (Serbia). International Journal of Coal Geology 111, 5-22.
Grba N., Šajnović A., Stojanović K., Simić V., Jovančićević B., Roglić G., Erić V. (2014) Preservation of diagenetic products of -carotene in sedimentaryrocks from the Lopare Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina). CHEMIE der ERDE GEOCHEMISTRY 74, 107-123.
Nytoft H.P., Kildahl-Andersen G., Šolević-Knudsen T., Stojanović K., Rise F. (2014) Compound ‘‘J’’ in Late Cretaceous/Tertiary terrigenous oils revisited: Structure elucidation of a rearranged oleanane coeluting on GC with 18β(H)-oleanane. Organic Geochemistry 77, 89-95.
Životić D., Bechtel A., Sachsenhofer R., Gratzer R., Radić D., Obradović M., Stojanović K. (2014) Petrological and organic geochemical properties of lignite from the Kolubara and Kostolac basins, Serbia: Implication on Grindability Index. International Journal of Coal Geology 131, 344-362.
Štrbac S., Gajica G., Šajnović A., Vasić N., Stojanović K., Jovančićević B. The use of biological markers in determination of origin and type of organic matter in the Tisza river sediments. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 79, 597-612.
Perunović T., Stojanović K., Simić V., Kašanin-Grubin M., Šajnović K., Erić V., Schwarzbauer J., Vasić N., Jovančićević B., Brčeski I. (2014) Organic geochemical study of the lower miocene Kremna basin, Serbia. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 84, 185-212.