![[dr Vele V. Tesevic]](/osoblje/25.jpg)
Faculty of Chemistry, Studentski trg 12-16, Beograd
Department of Organic Chemistry
Phone: 011-2630474, 011-3336786
Phone (local): 786
Laboratory: 312
E-mail: vtesevic@chem.bg.ac.rs
Personal data
Born 27. 3. 1963. in Prijepolje. Married, two children.
Education and qualifications
1981-1986: Undergraduate studies - Chemistry / Prirodno-matematički fakultet (Belgrade, Serbia)
1986-1991: Master of science studies - Chemistry / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
1999: Doctoral academic (PhD) studies - Chemistry / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
History of employment
1987: Graduate associate / Prirodno-matematički fakultet (Belgrade, Serbia)
1987-1988: Graduate associate / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
1988: Graduate assistant / Prirodno-matematički fakultet (Belgrade, Serbia)
1988-1992: Graduate assistant / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
1992-2000: Assistant / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2000-2005: Assistant professor / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2005-2019: Associate professor / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2019: Full professor / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
Scientific interest
Phytochemistry, food chemistry.
Other activities
Member of Serbian Chemical Society.
Member of the Committee for Capital Equipment Management from November 10, 2022.
Member of the Board of the Faculty of Chemistry from June 22, 2023.
Educational activities
- Structural Instrumental Methods (221A2)
- Chemistry of Scent (259H2)
- Combined Technics of Instrumental Analysis (260S2)
- Modern Structural Methods 2 (276H2)
- Food Contaminants (514S2)
Participation in research projects
Active projects:
- 2017-2021: Development of on-line GC-MS and LC-MS methods based on Micro Extraction in Packed Sorbent (MEPS) for the OPCW proficiency test framework and on-site analysis (MECWA FCUB CIA) – OPCW L/ICA/ICB/210502/17
project type: International Research Projects
project is funded by: Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons - OPCW (Hag, Netherlands) - 2021-2022: Application of various untargeted metabolomics for mapping plant biomarkers of chemical exposure to support hot-zone analysis by handheld leaf spectrometer (CIA p-LABs)
project type: International Research Projects
project is funded by: OPCW (Hag, Netherlands) - 2021-2023: Twinning of VERIFIN, Finnish Institute for Verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention and University of Belgrade – Faculty of Chemistry (Center for Instrumental Analysis – CIA) (Twinning VERIFIN CIA) – OPCW/L/ICA/ICB-75/21
project type: International Research Projects
project is funded by: OPCW (Hag, Netherlands) - 2022-2025: Twinning to address the PFAS challenge in Serbia (PFAStwin) – 101059534
project type: Horizon EU
project is funded by: European Commission (Brusseles, Belgium) - 2022-2023: Innovative in situ/ex situ treatment of water and sediment polluted with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances – research on PFOA (VISION) – 104 01.02.2022.
project type: International Cooperation of Science and Economy
project is funded by: SOLVAY (Milano, Italy) - 2021-2024: Metabolomic Fingerprints of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder (SB Fingerprint) – L/ICA/ICB-108/21
project type: International Research Projects
project is funded by: OPCW (Hag, Netherlands)
Finished projects:
- 2011: – 172053
project type: National Fundamental Research Projects
project is funded by: Ministry of Science and Technological Development (Belgrade, Serbia) - 2014-2015: – 451-03-2802-¸ż 1/190 (principal investigator)
project type: National Innovation Projects - 2019: Diagnostic of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder by NMR-based Metabolomics and Lipidomics – OPCW L/ICA/ICB/217652/18
project type: International
project is funded by: Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons - OPCW (Hag, Netherlands) - 2018: New Bioregulators Based on Autochtonous Bacteria for Thinning of Apple Fruits (principal investigator)
project type: Cooperation with the Domestic Economy
project is funded by: Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia (Belgrade, Serbia)
Author identification numbers
- ORCID: 0000-0001-7060-9055
- ResearcherID: Q-6093-2016
- Scopus: 6602440793
- Faculty of Chemistry Repository Cherry
Representative references
Knjige i revijalni radovi / Books and reviews:
- Dejan Gođevac, Vele Tešević "Strukturne instrumentalne metode - zbirka spektara".
Izabrani radovi / Selected papers:
- M. Soković, P. D. Marin, V. Vajs, S. Milosavljević, D. Đoković, V. Tešević, P. Janaćković: Composition and seasonal variability of Phlomis fruticosa L. essential oils, Arch. Biol. Sci. Belgrade, 52(3)165, (2000)
- D. Jović, D. Đoković, V. Tešević, V. Vajs, S. Tasić, S. Milosavljević: Essential oil of the aerial parts of Artemisia lobelii, Lekovite sirovine 21, 45, (2001)
- P. Janaćković, V. Tesević, P. D. Marin, S. M. Milosavljević, B. Petković and M. Soković: Polyacetylenes and a sesquiterpene lactone from Ptilostemon strictus, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 30 (1), 69 (2002)
- M. Soković, P. D. Marin, P. Janaćković, V. Vajs, S. Milosavljević, D. Đoković, V. Tešević: Composition of the essential oils of Phlomis fruticosa L. (Lamiaceae), J. Essent. Oil Res. 14, 167 (2002)
- V. Tešević, S. Milosavljević, V. Vajs, P. Janaćković and M. Popsavin: Dithiophenes and other constituents of roots of Centaurea nicolai, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 31 (1), 89 (2003)
- L. Đurđević, A. Dinić, M. Mitrović, P. Pavlović, V. Tešević: Phenolic acids distribution in a peat of the relict community with Serbian spruce in the Tara Mt. forest reserve (Serbia), European Journal of Soil Biology, 39 (2), 97 (2003)
- S Trifunović, V. Vajs, V. Tešević, D. Đoković and S. Milosavljević: Lignans from the plant species Achillea lingulata J. Serb. Chem. Soc.68, 4-5, 277 (2003)
- I. Đorđević, V. Tešević, P. Janaćković, S. Milosavljević and V. Vajs: Sesquiterpene lactones from Cicerbita alpina, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 32 (2), 209 (2004)
- I. Đorđević, V. Vajs, V. Bulatović, N. Menković, V. Tešević, S. Macura., P. Janaćković, S. Milosavljević: Guaianolides from two subspecies of Amphoricarpos neumayeri from Montenegro. Phytochemistry 65, 2337-2345 (2004)
- V. Tešević, S. Milosavljević, V. Vajs, P. Janaćković, D. Jović, Lj. Vujisić: Tetrahydrofuran-type sesquiterpenes from Artemisia lobelii All. var. canescens (DC.) Briqu. and Artemisia lobelii All var. biasolettiana (Vis.) K. Maly, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 32 (5), 525 (2004)
- L. Đurđević, A. Dinić, P. Pavlović, M. Mitrović, B. Karadžić and V. Tešević: Allelopathic potential of Allium ursinum L. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 32 (6), 533 (2004)
- D. Gođevac, V. Vajs, N. Menković, V. Tešević, P. Janaćković., S. Milosavljević: Flavonoids from flowers of Cephalaria pastricensis and their antiradical activity, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (11), 883 (2004)
- V. Vajs, S. Trifunović, P. Janaćković, M. Soković, S. Milosavljević, V. Tešević: Antifungal activity of davanone-type sesquiterpenes from Artemisia lobelii var. canescens, J. Serb. Chem. Soc .69 (11), 969 (2004)
- P. Janaćković, V. Tešević, S. Milosavljević, V. Vajs, P. D. Marin: Sesquiterpene lactones, lignans and flavones of Centaurea affinis Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 32, 355-357 (2004)
- V. Tešević, N. Nikićević, A. Jovanović, D. Djoković, Lj. Vujisić, I. Vučović and M. Bonić: Volatile Components from Old Plum Brandies. Food Technol. Biotechnol. 43 (4) 367–372 (2005)
- S. Trifunović, V. Vajs, Z. Juranić, Ž. Žižak , V. Tešević, S. Macura, S. Milosavljević: Cytotoxic constituents of Achillea clavennae from Montenegro, Phytochemistry 67, 887–893 (2006)
- Iris Djordjević, Milka Jadranin, Vlatka Vajs, Nebojša Menković, Vele Tešević, Slobodan Macura, and Slobodan Milosavljević: Further Guaianolides from Amphoricarpos neumayeri ssp. Murbeckii from Montenegro, Z. Naturforsch. 61b, 1437 – 1442 (2006)
- I. Vučković, Lj. Vujisić, V. Vajs, V. Tešević, S. Macura, P. Janaćković, S. Milosavljević: Sesquiterpene lactones from the aerial parts of Anthemis arvensis L. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 34, 303-309 (2006)
- Lj. Vujisić, I. Vučković, V. Tešević, D. Doković, M. S. Ristić, P. Janaćković and S. Milosavljević: Comparative examination of the essential oils of Anthemis ruthenica and A. arvensis wild-growing in Serbia. Flavour Fragr. J. 21, 458–461 (2006)
- I. Vučković, Lj. Vujisić, V. Vajs V. Tešević, P. Janaćković and S. Milosavljević: Phytochemical investigation of Anthemis cotula. J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 71 (2) 127–133 (2006)
- S. Rakić, D. Povrenović, V. Tešević, M. Simić, R. Maletić, Oak Acron, Polyphenols and Antioxidant Activity in Functional Food, Journal of Food Engineering. 74, 416–423 (2006)
- Dejan Gođevac, Boris Mandić, Vlatka Vajs, Vele Tešević, Nebojša Menković, Peđa Janaćković, Slobodan Milosavljević: Triterpenoid saponins and iridoid glycosides from the aerial parts of Cephalaria pastricensis, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 34, 890-893 (2006)
- Slobodan Milosavljević, Vele Tešević , Ivan Vučković , Milka Jadranin, Vlatka Vajs, Marina Soković, Peđa Janaćković, Anka Jovanović: Composition and antifungal activity of the essential oil of Seseli annuum wild-growing in Serbia, Fitoterapia 78, 319–322 (2007)
- Ivan Vučković, Vladimir Trajković, Slobodan Macura, Vele Tešević, Peđa Janaćković and Slobodan Milosavljević: A Novel Cytotoxic Lignan from Seseli annuum L., Phytother. Res. 21, 790–792 (2007)
- Sveto Rakić, Silvana Petrović, Jelena Kukić, Milka Jadranin, Vele Tešević, Dragan Povrenović, Slavica Šiler-Marinković: Influence of thermal treatment on phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of oak acorns from Serbia, Food Chemistry 104, 830–834(2007)
- Lidija Petrović, Žika Lepojević, Verica Sovilj, Dušan Adamović and Vele Tešević: An investigation of CO2 extraction of marigold (Calendula officinalis L.), J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 72 (4) 407–413 (2007)