HOME / Operations / Function button settings

Function button settings (Windows version only)

You can change the function button assignments for your StarBoard. These settings can be saved for use in future sessions by saving a user profile.
Before you can begin using this feature, you must have your StarBoard connected to your computer.

Opening the Function Button Settings dialog
To change the function button settings, use the Function Button Settings... option in the Settings menu.
A dialog box with either a vertical or horizontal layout will be displayed (what type of layout you will see depends on your StarBoard model and the driver that has been installed).

The following picture shows how the vertical dialog box looks:

Function button settings dialog (vertical)

The following picture shows how the horizontal dialog box looks:

Function button settings dialog (horizontal)

Assigning a function to a function button
You can assign functions by dragging and dropping top-level menu items or pen colour swatches (from the Tool Properties panel) to the button function slots on the Function Button Settings dialog.

Some other functions that can be assigned are not included in the menu or Pen Palette. These options are displayed in a pop-up menu when you click or right-click on the button function slot:

Assigning other functions

Resetting back to defaults
If you wish to reset the function button settings back to their factory defaults, select the Default button.

Saving a user profile
To save your settings in a user profile, use the Settings > Profile > Save Profile As... menu option.
See also Profile.