![[Project Logo]](meteffect_logo.jpg)
Project acronym: MET-EFFECT
Project type: Horizon EU
Grant agreement No.: 101086373
Project is funded by: European Commission (Brusseles, Belgium)
The research is conducted in: Innovation center of the Faculty of Chemisty in Belgrade (Belgrade, Serbia) – Coordination
Project realization is scheduled from January 1, 2023 till December 31, 2026.
Project staff
Principal investigator: Ljiljana N. Mihajlović-Lalić, Innovation center of the Faculty of Chemisty in Belgrade (Beograd, Serbia)
Short description of the project
The Horizon-Europe project from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (call: HORIZON-MSCA-SE-2021) entitled ”Metal complexes of a naturally inspired framework functionalized for cytotoxic and catalytic efficiency” originates from pillar I of Excellent Science supported by the European Commission. Recognized by the acronym MET-EFFECT, the project intercrosses the expertises of non-academic with the academic sector. As the head of the Consortium rises up Innovative Centre Faculty of Chemistry Belgrade Ltd. in the role of Coordinator. Two companies from Sofia, Bulgaria, and Stuhr, Germany accompany the coordinator in the non-academic sector. The academic sector gathers institutions from Graz (Austria), and Lisbon (Portugal). The ultimate goal of the MSCA call is to transfer the generated academic knowledge to the industry by utilizing a concrete applicative pathway. In this way, the global gap in the academia-industry relation will be drastically reduced. The fundament for international cooperation is based on model compounds composited of transition metal complexes (rhenium and iridium) with different flavonoid derivatives. Their main advantage is directly reflected through the different application domains. Thus, it is expected that designed compounds demonstrate their full potential in the field of medicinal chemistry as efficient anticancer agents. In this regard, MET-EFFECT will develop extended-release, personalized drug design delivery systems from smart and sustainable biomaterials. Equally important is their potential usage in the field of homogenous catalysis. Thus, rhenium complexes will be investigated in terms of catalytic reduction focusing on the small, otherwise kinetically stable oxoanions (perchlorate and nitrate), identified as contaminants. On the other hand, iridium complexes will be tested as catalysts of a crucial step for artificial photosynthesis, which aims at the production of alternative, renewable, and cost-attractive fuels. It is highly important to declare that MET-EFFECT researchers will be referred to perform their research outside their institutions (Austria, Portugal, and USA). In this way, they will establish long-term collaborations with participating countries to reach well-defined project goals.