HOME / Operations / Playing movie files

Playing movie files

You can play movie files in StarBoard Software.
The following file types are supported: .avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .m1v, .m2v, .m2p, .wmv, .mov, .asf, and .qt (note that .wmv and .asf files are only supported on the Windows version).

Note: The file types that are supported here will depend on the video codecs that are currently installed on your computer

  1. Use the Open... option in the File menu to open the file browser, and browse for the movie file you wish to play.

  2. StarBoard Software will switch to the Desktop view and then open the movie file as a new topic, occupying the entire screen:


  3. The controls for the movie topic are contained in a floating control bar:


    Key to controls:

     1 Screenshot - This will create a screenshot of the movie, placing it on the background layer of the Whiteboard topic.
     2 Play / Pause - Click this button to play the movie file. This will change to a Pause button while the movie is playing.
     3 Stop - Click this button to stop the movie.
     4 Scale up - Click this button to magnify the picture.
     5 Scale down - Click this button to make the picture appear smaller.
     6 Progress slider - You can drag this slider to show the movie at a specific point. When playing, this slider will move to show the playing progress.

  4. Click on the Play button to play the movie file. You can pause the movie at any point by clicking on the Pause button.

  5. To stop the movie at any point, you can click on the Stop button.

If you wish to return back to the Whiteboard topic, use the Topic > Whiteboard option in the toolbar's menu (click the MENU arrow on the toolbar). Alternatively, you can return to the Whiteboard view by clicking on the Screenshot button.

Note: Each movie file you load will be listed as a topic in the Topic List.