HOME / Operations / Inserting menu items/toolbar buttons as objects

Inserting menu items/toolbar buttons as objects

By dragging and dropping icons or menu items from the toolbar to the Whiteboard page, you can create buttons to launch the selected functions.

  1. Click and hold on the icon on the toolbar.
    After a short period, the icon pops up.

  2. Drag and drop the icon outside of the toolbar.
    The menu items on the toolbar also can be dragged and dropped.
    The pop-up menu is displayed.

  3. Select Create button on page from the pop-up menu.
    A button is created as an object.
    The size of the button can be changed by using the Select tool.
    The buttons created are saved on the page when you save the document.

Note: On the Windows version, it is also possible to drag items from the main menu to the Whiteboard page. On the MacOS version, this feature is not available - but you can drag items from the Toolbar menu or the Tap menu.